Previously published in the Terre Haute Tribune Star, Mother's Day 2015
Americans do not suffer injustice well.
The latest example is the protests and violence in Baltimore in response
to the match thrown into the tinder box named Freddie Gray. Those who focus on the rioters and property
damage instead of the underlying issues fail to see the role of violence
throughout American history in addressing injustice.
There is a difference between explaining and understanding violence and
making excuses for it. Those individuals
who engage in protest violence, whether property damage or bodily injury, will
be prosecuted and considerable public resources spent on bringing them to criminal
justice. Those who cause the spark, such
as police who kill people for things they should not be killed for, are not
very likely to be so pursued.
Nevertheless, the history of using violence to bring attention to
injustice has a long and fruitful history in the United States. Already the
violence in Baltimore is sprouting fruit because the Baltimore officer(s) are charged
with homicide. Time will tell whether
the officer(s) are ever actually tried and convicted. If not it might be another spark.
The Boston Tea Party is an early American example of violence toward
property to protest injustice.
Bostonians, some disguised as native Americans, illegally boarded ships
sitting in Boston Harbor and threw the shipments of tea overboard, ruining
it. The tea was the property of the East
India Company, perhaps one of the first notorious multi-national
corporations. The British government
retaliated, no doubt using many of the same kinds of statements we hear today
by those deploring the violence in Ferguson and Baltimore while diminishing the
underlying issues. This is an iconic
story in American history, perhaps a spark for the American Revolution, inspired
by the injustice of “no taxation without representation.”
Slavery, arguably the most sinister institutionalized injustice in US
history, was violently protested by members of the abolitionist movement. John Brown argued for armed insurrection to overthrow
the institution of slavery. Some go as
far as to suggest that Brown’s attack on Harper’s Ferry was a spark that
ignited the Civil War, which remains the most deadly conflict in American
history and whose underlying tensions around race continue today. John Brown was captured at Harper’s Ferry,
tried, convicted and executed. His violent actions as an individual were
punished but his cause, turned out to be, on the right side of history.
A bomb thrown at police in Chicago, in Haymarket Square, during a labor
protest against police killing protesters the day before (a nationwide labor
protest in favor of the eight hour day (“eight hour a day with no cut in pay”))
is viewed as a watershed moment in international labor relations. The resulting trial of the bomb throwers
resulted in convictions and death for two of the protesters. The eight hour day is a reality today, thanks
in part to those willing to resort to violence for the cause.
The Weather Underground, protesting the injustice of the Vietnam war
and what they viewed as the ineffectiveness of the peaceful protests against
it, escalated to a bombing campaign of federal buildings, including the
Pentagon, robberies, and a call for armed revolution. The Weather Underground morphed its call to action
to include anti-racism and other social justice movements as well. The government response to the Weather
Underground was largely deemed illegal and whatever efforts to bring the
individuals to criminal justice were largely undermined by the lawlessness by
which the authorities pursued them.
The US has the worst anti-abortion violence of any country. There is no question that it has been
effective in reducing access to abortion and creating an increasingly hostile
environment for its practice. Anti-abortion violence has included murder,
attempted murder, bombings, harassment, and kidnapping. Harassment and threats are almost a daily
occurrence with mixed responses from government authorities. Here, too, individuals have been prosecuted
and held responsible in the criminal justice system for their violence but the
overall movement has strong supporters in government.
The point is that violence as a political response when conventional
politics fails has a long and effective history in the United States. Before condemning the violence in Baltimore do
we consider the role of the Boston Tea Party property violence, the insurrectionist
abolitionists, the bomb throwing anarchists, radical left Vietnam anti-war bombers,
and anti-abortion assassins in the struggle against injustice as well? Or do we white wash history in order to
change the subject from one of police brutality and injustice to one of petty criminals
and threats to law and order?
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